Simple English Video is produced by an American husband-British wife team who speak English as their L1. Their credentials can be found here (link embedded).
Types of videos
As the name of the websites suggests, there are many different types of videos which help people learn English in a simple manner. When browsing, there are two ways in which the videos are organised: by difficulty level and by grammatical component or function.Should the learner want to focus on a specific component, the videos are divided into 10 categories: Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Everyday English, Songs & Stories, Speaking Practice, Hang out with us, Business English, British & American and How to learn faster.
Ways to use this website
The teacher can use this website as a teaching tool if he/she wants to focus on a specific component. For example, the teacher would like to introduce or draw students' attention to particular pronunciations in the English Language. Instead of having to plough through all the videos on YouTube, or look for resources, the teacher can use the videos found in this website. Although the videos uploaded are not exhaustive, but there are some useful materials that teachers can use in class.
Having said that, what I think would be a better use of this website is have students visit it on their own. This way, students have the autonomy to decide what they would like to learn or reinforce. The website has enough videos and content that students will be able to view and review at their own pace.
The presenters are conscious that their audience are learners of English, hence the speed at which they speak is slower than normal. There is even an accompanying transcript of what was said in the video. The content of the videos are also targeted at learners as detailed explanations are provided. This is possibly due to the presenters assuming that their learners are self-taught and do not have access to a teacher or someone whom they can ask for help. Hence, they try to make their materials as comprehensive as possible. The layout of the website is also clear and simple, which will help students navigate it with ease.
All these things aid students in becoming more autonomous (if they are not already), since information is easily accessible and readily available in one site.
The site is not meant to be interactive in the sense that students do not interact directly with the website like in LyricsTraining or TubeQuizzard, where learners can type their answers directly onto the site and get immediate feedback on their answers. The only sort of interaction available is during the pronunciation practice videos, where learners are left to be self-directed and have to be disciplined to practice pronunciation on their own when the presenters tell them to.
While the lack of interactivity is not a big disadvantage per se, but it can be off-putting for some students who like to have a more hands-on approach instead of being passive recipients of information.
In Singapore context
Depending on the students' competency level, teachers can either have them watch particular videos to reinforce learning or introduce it so they can be autonomous in learning new vocabulary or practising pronunciation, for example.Teachers can also use the videos as trigger activities when introducing a particular vocabulary item or grammar component.
Regarding giving students the autonomy to learn, I would recommend that teachers also introduce the other two websites mentioned above so that students are not restricted to only SimpleEnglishVideos when it comes to learning, as some might like more interactivity. That is not to say that this website is less useful or that the content is not as good; rather these three websites serve different purpose. LyricsTraining and TubeQuizzard seemed to focus more on listening skills as students have to pay close attention to the audio to get the answer. There is no real teaching element involved, and seems to be more appropriate to reinforce learning in the classroom or to inject fun into learning. Thus, these three websites should be introduced together since SimpleEnglishVideos fills in that gap missing in the other two websites.While it cannot and should not be used to replace the teacher in the classroom, SimpleEnglishVideos will be able to help its audience learn something new and gain autonomy.
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